The company is celebrating its 25th anniversary. You are also responsible for the medical welfare of the working colleagues this evening. The celebration has already been going on for 2 hours, it is quite warm in the premises and now the boss takes the microphone to keep a speech according to the situation. After the somewhat prolonged speech, you see a former, now retired, employee collapsing as he gets up. You hurry at once.

What do you do first?

1. I support the woman with the help of a standing colleague and bring her into the medical room to avoid the glances of the other employees and work in peace.

It is true that you should create an environment where you can work well. However, we strongly recommend to first make a first patient assessment here. If this is normal or non-critical, you can still switch to a room with visual protection with the patient. If this is not possible and you have to remain “on the spot”, you can still set up a privacy screen, for example, by arranging 3-4 people to create such a screen with the help of tablecloths.

Try again…

2. I start resuscitation immediately. It is a clear case of a circulatory stagnation. There are no other causes for this loss of consciousness.

You can not “harm” the patient. If it is not necessary, the patient will be able to resist because of the pain you inflict on her with chest compressions.

Nevertheless, it is advisable to proceed according to the first aid scheme and to assess the condition of the patient.

Try again…

3. I create enough space by arranging two bystanders to take care of the bystanders and secure the space. After that, I assess the condition of the woman, which is collapsed according to the pattern consciousness-respiratory-circulatory injuries.


Correct procedure:

I create enough space by arranging two bystanders to take care of the bystanders and secure the space. After that, I assess the condition of the woman according to the pattern consciousness-respiratory-circulatory injuries.
